CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) Methodology


What is CAPI?

CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) is a methodology for conducting interviews using a computer or mobile device. This approach allows an interviewer to ask questions face-to-face with a respondent, while recording the responses on a tablet, laptop, or smartphone. CAPI methodology has proven to be effective in sociological and marketing research as it combines personal interaction with the automation of data collection.

CAPI has gradually replaced traditional paper-based surveys (PAPI – Paper-and-Pencil Interviewing), offering more flexible and accurate solutions. In the digital age, it ensures unprecedented accuracy, speed, and convenience for researchers and interviewers alike.

Advantages of Using CAPI

  1. Data Accuracy.
    Using electronic devices to record responses minimizes the risk of data entry errors. Software can automatically check for data consistency, flag missing or incorrect entries, and guide the interviewer through the process. This eliminates human error that is often associated with paper-based surveys.

  2. Faster Data Processing.
    Data collected through CAPI can be instantly uploaded to a central database for analysis. This reduces the time needed for data processing compared to traditional methods where data must be manually entered. As a result, reports can be generated much faster.

  3. Reduced Risk of Data Loss.
    Unlike paper questionnaires, which can be lost or damaged, data entered via CAPI is securely stored on the device and later synced with the server. Many modern solutions also offer backup options to further safeguard the information.

  4. Interviewer Convenience.
    CAPI solutions often feature a user-friendly interface, making the process easier for interviewers. This allows them to focus on interacting with the respondent rather than on cumbersome paperwork. Electronic questionnaires can also include logic flows, where subsequent questions are asked based on previous responses, making the interview process more dynamic.

  5. Integration of Multimedia Elements.
    CAPI allows surveys to include images, videos, or audio materials, greatly enhancing the scope of research. This is especially useful for complex topics that may require visual or auditory support.

  6. Geolocation and Time Control.
    Modern CAPI systems can record the coordinates of where the survey is conducted and track the start and end times of interviews. This is important for quality control in field research, especially when interviewers are working in remote areas.

  7. Environmental Benefits.
    By using electronic devices instead of paper, CAPI helps reduce waste and the environmental footprint, which is particularly relevant in today’s world.

Where is CAPI Used?

CAPI methodology is widely used across various fields:

  1. Marketing Research.
    In marketing, CAPI is used to collect data on consumer preferences, test new products and services, and analyze target audience behavior. Interviewers can conduct surveys in shopping malls or on the street, recording responses directly on a tablet or smartphone.

  2. Sociological Research.
    CAPI is actively used in studies of public opinion, demographic changes, and social phenomena. This method provides researchers with both qualitative and quantitative data directly from respondents.

  3. Government Research.
    Government agencies and statistical offices often use CAPI for population censuses, labor force surveys, healthcare, and education studies. It helps improve data quality and speeds up the data processing time.

  4. Medical Research.
    In healthcare, CAPI is used to conduct patient surveys, study disease prevalence, and assess the quality of services. In these studies, it is critical to collect accurate and timely data, making CAPI an ideal tool.

CAPI and Mobile Technology

With the advancement of mobile technology and smartphones, the CAPI methodology has reached a new level. Interviewers now use not only laptops or desktop computers but also compact tablets and smartphones to collect data anywhere. This is particularly important in remote or hard-to-reach areas where access to electricity or the internet may be limited.

Mobile applications designed for CAPI enable offline functionality, allowing interviewers to collect data even without internet access. When a connection becomes available, the data is automatically synced with the central server, simplifying the data collection process.

Data Quality Control in CAPI

One of the main challenges in field research is ensuring data quality. CAPI systems are designed to not only collect data but also record metadata such as the interview's time and location, ensuring adherence to procedures. These systems also allow for thorough post-survey quality checks, enabling researchers to analyze the data for inconsistencies or errors.

Automated time-stamping and geolocation tracking add layers of control, allowing researchers to verify whether the conditions of the surveys were met. By utilizing mobile technologies, researchers can manage field teams more efficiently, tracking their movements and results in real time.

Challenges and Considerations in Implementing CAPI

While CAPI offers numerous advantages, it's important to be aware of some challenges and considerations that come with implementing this methodology:

  1. Technical Training for Interviewers.
    Even though modern CAPI systems are designed to be user-friendly, interviewers still need training to effectively use the devices and software. They should be familiar with handling mobile devices, managing questionnaires, and troubleshooting basic technical issues. This initial investment in training is crucial for ensuring smooth and consistent data collection.

  2. Device and Battery Management.
    Since CAPI relies on electronic devices such as tablets or smartphones, interviewers need to ensure their equipment is fully charged and operational during fieldwork. In remote areas, the lack of charging facilities could pose a challenge. It is advisable to equip interviewers with power banks or additional batteries to avoid disruptions.

  3. Data Security and Privacy.
    CAPI involves the collection of sensitive personal data, which requires stringent security measures. It’s essential to implement encryption for stored and transmitted data, use secure networks for syncing information, and ensure that all privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR) are strictly followed. Protecting respondents' personal data should be a top priority.

  4. Cost Considerations.
    While CAPI reduces long-term costs associated with data entry and paper, the initial setup may involve significant investment in hardware (e.g., tablets, laptops) and software development or acquisition. However, these costs are usually offset by the long-term efficiency and quality improvements that CAPI brings.

  5. Internet Connectivity.
    Although many CAPI solutions offer offline data collection features, syncing the data with a central server typically requires internet access. In areas with unreliable connectivity, it is important to have a clear plan for when and where data can be uploaded. Regular syncing ensures timely data availability for analysis.

By addressing these challenges, organizations can fully leverage the potential of CAPI for efficient and high-quality data collection. Proper planning, training, and resource management are key to maximizing the benefits of this methodology.

As digital transformation continues to revolutionize the field of data collection, choosing the right tools and methods becomes increasingly important for ensuring both the quality and efficiency of surveys. While CAPI methodology offers numerous advantages over traditional approaches, selecting an advanced solution that supports the full range of CAPI features can further enhance the research process.

This is where specialized tools like FlowSurvey come into play. Designed to meet the demands of complex fieldwork, FlowSurvey provides an array of features tailored to modern data collection needs. Below are some of the key capabilities that make FlowSurvey a powerful tool for conducting professional research with CAPI methodology.

FlowSurvey Offline App Features

The FlowSurvey app is designed to provide a robust solution for conducting complex surveys in the field, even in remote areas. Its key features ensure data quality, flexibility, and efficiency in research:

  • Background Audio Recording for Quality Control – The app records the audio of each question during interviews, ensuring proper conduct and allowing for post-interview quality checks.
  • GPS Tracking – Each survey automatically captures the respondent’s location, adding authenticity and accuracy to fieldwork data.
  • Location Control – Interviewers can pre-select locations, ensuring surveys are conducted in specific areas as required by the project.
  • Support for Multiple Projects – FlowSurvey allows users to work on multiple surveys or projects at once, enhancing flexibility in managing field operations.
  • Quota Control – The app enables efficient quota management, ensuring balanced and representative sample collection.
  • Advanced Logic – The app supports complex question logic, allowing for dynamic survey flows based on respondents' previous answers.
  • Custom Question Validation – Researchers can implement custom validation rules to ensure data accuracy by preventing erroneous entries.
  • Multilingual Surveys – With full support for multiple languages, the app is perfect for international and diverse respondent pools.
  • Survey Postpone and Resume – Interviews can be paused and resumed at any time, ensuring progress is not lost in longer surveys or when interruptions occur.
  • Interview Recovery – If the app is interrupted, the survey can be restored from the last saved point, preventing data loss due to technical issues.

These features make FlowSurvey an ideal tool for conducting professional field research, ensuring both data quality and operational flexibility.


CAPI methodology is a modern and efficient solution for conducting field research. It offers high data accuracy, faster processing, and convenience for interviewers, making it an indispensable tool for sociological, marketing, and medical research.

As technology continues to evolve, CAPI keeps improving, providing new opportunities for researchers to collect and analyze data faster and more accurately. The use of mobile solutions has optimized processes, improved quality control, and extended the geographical scope of research.

In an era of increasing demands for speed and data accuracy, CAPI remains an essential component of the modern research process.