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Advanced Survey Solution for Sociological and Marketing Research

FlowSurvey is a software designed for creating and conducting surveys both in a web interface and a mobile application. It is designed to offer unparalleled flexibility and power in survey creation, enabling you to build even the most complex surveys with ease.

  • Support for extensive surveys: Handle more than 1,000 questions and large sets of answer options or matrix rows.
  • Advanced logic capabilities: Nest question groups within groups to any level, apply conditions for displaying questions, answer options, and matrix rows.
  • Multilingual support: Easily localize your surveys into multiple languages.
  • Mobile app functionality: Conduct surveys on a mobile app with offline support and background audio recording for interview quality control.
  • Repeat blocks: Repeat the same questions for different brands with options for nested blocks.
  • Flow expressions: Use our expression language with syntax validation for creating conditions, question substitutions, formula calculations, and more.
  • Complex quotas: Manage multi-level and parallel quotas with ease.
  • Interviewer management: Distribute interviewers across different locations within the mobile app.
  • Custom solutions: We offer tailored developments for when standard functionality isn't enough.
  • Large-scale data export: Export extensive datasets with over 100 million cells to SPSS.
  • Panel integration: Connect multiple respondent panels to a single project.
  • Real-time reporting: View live reports with charts.
  • Fast customer support: Receive prompt responses to your requests.

Mobile App With Offline Mode

The Android application supports complex logic and records background audio of interviews for quality control.

Offline Mode
Works without an internet connection. The app downloads the entire project and all media files (images, videos) to the device.
Background Audio Recording of Interviews
Background audio recording of the entire interview with the ability to listen to individual questions separately.
QR Code, Take Photo, Upload File
Scan a QR code or Bar-code, take a photo using the device's camera, and upload a file from the device's gallery.
Technically Reliable
If the device is turned off or the app closes unexpectedly, the current interview is saved, and you can continue it later. You can conduct interviews lasting more than an hour, and they will be securely protected.
Quota Management
The app supports overlapping (nested) and non-overlapping (parallel) quotas.
Conduct surveys in a wide range of languages.

20+ Question Types and Settings

Single and Multiple Choice
Single-line and Multi-line Text Input
Date and Time
QR Code and Bar Code

And other question types and settings...

Flow Expressions

Flow expressions allow you to insert formulas and perform calculations based on user input data.

A unique solution that provides flexibility and ensures the safety of survey design by validating flow expressions during the saving process, catching around 90% of all errors and making development safer for survey designers.

Flow expressions can be used in:

  • Display conditions for groups, questions, answer options, and matrix questions (rows)
  • Additional validation of questions based on conditions
  • Validation of answer options in numeric fields, date, and time for minimum and maximum values entered
  • Inserting into the text of a question, answer option, matrix row, or validation text of a question
  • and more...

Flow expressions are supported both in the online version (web) and the offline version (mobile app).


Managing Large Fieldwork

Read our article to learn how to efficiently conduct fieldwork with thousands of interviews across dozens of cities using hundreds of interviewers with FlowSurvey software.

Read More


I also want to express my profound gratitude for your support in working on the major project. It posed a significant challenge for us, and I want to acknowledge that we succeeded in our task largely thanks to your outstanding software! I am truly impressed by its simplicity, logic, and adaptability. We didn't lose a single questionnaire; there were no freezes or losses, and our interviewers were able to learn how to use it very quickly.

Thanks to your software, we were able to maintain excellent control in front of our client and confirmed the quality of our work! Thank you to the entire team and I wish you continued success!
Anne S.

IS Research Solutions Ltd.

Since 2020, with great pleasure we’ve been using opportunities, offered by FlowSurvey. We have conducted more than 10 projects for different target audiences: from consumers of popular food products or financial services to expert surveys of representatives of the business community.

Most of all, we appreciate the high expertise and efficiency of IT-specialists, who find solutions to our sometimes challenging requests – as well as the convenience of the interface for a client: the ability to track the course of the field, see basic analytics, even for the first questionnaires. The interface for a respondent also causes only positive impressions: modern, intuitive for any audience.
Zagrivenko K.

MZ Hub

The interface of FlowSurvey is convenient for interviewers – the program is simple and understandable. It is important that a client can get access, so he can control dynamically the collection of data and track the results.

The ability to control the work of interviewers is also an essential part of the program. For four years while I’ve been using FlowSurvey there have never been serious problems in "fields".
Mykytyuk R.

Sociological Group "Choice"

We started working with FlowSurvey a long time ago. We conducted a series of studies and each time the program was improved and new useful features appeared. It is very convenient to enter your personal account from any gadget, it is possible to provide access to the customer if he wants to follow the progress of the project.

Especially, I’d like to point out a useful option to make changes during the field stage.
Alpatova P.

Research Bureau "Sociologist"

FlowSurvey means not only a convenient questionnaire, as it may seem at first glance. This is an application that simultaneously works as an interviewer, a supervisor, a controller, a designer, and as an analyst. From my own experience, I was convinced many times that FlowSurvey is an application that significantly increases the validity of the instrumentation, and, accordingly, of the entire study. In addition, it saves time and budget, and as you know they are always lacking.
Gomanyuk N.

Ph.d., SAU